The Future of Insurance and
Payment Technologies

PayrollPlans is a proprietary digital ecosystem integrated into your payroll vendor's software. Our platform connects insurance carriers, employers and their employees to provide unique, consumer-driven products to help employers recruit, retain and stay competitive.

The Future of Insurance and
Payment Technologies

PayrollPlans is a proprietary digital ecosystem integrated into your payroll vendor's software. Our platform connects insurance carriers, employers and their employees to provide unique, consumer-driven products to help employers recruit, retain and stay competitive.

Simple.Low Cost.
Incredibly Effective.

Not what you'd expect from your payroll provider?

Maybe you should.

Turn-key Employee Benefits

Integrated with Your Payroll

Zero to Low Cost
to Employers

No contribution required*

Affordable and Attractive Benefits

Giving you a competitive advantage

Stay Competitive.

PayrollPlans delivers a frictionless healthcare and benefits employee experience that boosts an employer's bottom line.

Here's how:


Attracts Top Talent
Improved Productivity
Reduced Turnover


More Engaged in Job
Fewer Health Absences
Likely to Recommend Employer
Smart Technology.

It's time for insurance to catch up with the rest of the world.
PayrollPlans is an ecosystem of connectivity, powered by proprietary technology.

Multi-Tenant Architecture

Software designed for faster spin-up, minimal administration and maximum efficiency.

Application Programming Interface (API)

Connectivity to integrate mobile enrollment, payroll and carrier data.

Conformable Payroll Deduction and Payment Technology

One bill, one payment. We handle the rest. Technology does the work for you.

Data Management & Analytics

Data warehousing and analysis enable risk assessment and opportunity for the development of consumer-oriented processes, products, and services.

Insurance Benefits Simplified.

A Digital Solution Providing a Better Employer and Employee Experience

Effective Benefits

Payroll Interface

Carrier Connectivity

Digital Enrollment

*For groups of 50 or more, PayrollPlans can provide a fully automated and fully integrated ACA-compliant employee benefit program which may require a contribution in order to meet ACA affordability thresholds.